Pine Tree

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Polygons can be useful, but they can be quite complex if they contain enough vertices. Study the following program. Get it up and running and run it several times.
#!/usr/bin/python from Tkinter import * import random master = Tk() master.wm_title("RANDOM POLYGON") w = Canvas(master, width=400, height=400, bg="black") w.pack() pts = [] for x in range(0,50): pts.append(random.randint(10,390)) w.create_polygon(pts,width=2,outline="green") print pts mainloop()
You will notice that this program produces a different polygon each time you run it. As you no doubt have figured out, this is because the coordinates of the vertices are generated in a random manner. The create_polygon function reads the points in pairs from the list supplied to it, FYI.

Basically all you have to do is recreate the "pine tree" shown to the right. Instead of randomly generating a list of coordinates, you will need to carefully plan your list of coordinates. It is recommended that the student draw this figure out on paper and then plot the points. Finally, simply enter the points into a list and all should go well. Hopefully!

HINT: Obviously you could begin your list at any vertex on the tree, but there is one vertex which seems like the most natural to begin at. Of course, you are free to begin your list wherever you see fit.