The body tag has the following attributes: bgcolor, text, link, and a bunch more. For now all we will concern ourselves with is bgcolor and text. You can set the color for the text and background color as follows:
< body bgcolor=red text=black>
HEADINGS- Headings are used mostly to title pages, sections and subsections within pages. H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 are available sizes. To use them they must be placed between the lesser than and greater than symbols AND you close them in the usual way.
Here are some sample headings:

Heading Size One (h1)

Heading Size Two (h2)

Heading Size Three (h3)

Heading Size Four (h4)

Heading Size Five (h5)
Look at the source to see how this was done.
The other thing you learn in this assignment is how to use images to create horizontal rules. The green HRs on this page are created using the img tag. You can right-click on the green HRs to save a copy of the image so you can use it on your page. Inspect the code for this page and the sample page for more information.
Assignment: Missing or Wanted Person Report Sheet: Use headings to help organize your page with H1 for the title, H2 for the main sections, H3 for sub-sections, H4 for a warning message at the bottom of the page, and H5 for the organization responsible for the document (very bottom of page). Use image HRs.Click here for sample