Here is a simple page of html code:
< html>
< body>
< center>
< h1> Page Title</h1>
< hr size=5 color=yellow>
< code> Here is a brief message.< br>
< /code> Here are some more words.
< /body>
< /html>
Click on this link to see simple page
Now go back to that page (click the above link) and study its source code. You can do that by right clicking and pulling down to source or by pulling down to source from the view menu. Make sure you understand how each tag (those are the things between the greater than and less than signs) produces the results on the page.
You will notice on the sample code above that some of the coding was placed in red areas on the page. For convenience Mr. McGirr refers to these areas as red zones. Every page you create should include these tags in the red zones. They help the computer to know that it is dealing with a web page. Leaving out certain items in the red zone will cause certain aspects of certain pages not to function correctly. So, get in a habit of always including the red zones before you do anything else!!!
Now for your first assignment:
You will write an essay of at least 150 words. It will include a title and at least two horizontal rules. You will write about one of the seven deadly sins and it's corresponding virtue. Explain why the vice/virtue you selected is important and how behavior relevant to this vice/virtue can help a person to lead a more satisfying life or lead to a miserable, unsatisfying life.