The PRE Tag

Pumpkin Pie In Pumpkin Shell
1 whole  Pie Pumpkin            1 tsp   Cinnamon    
3/4 C    Yogurt                 1/4 tsp Cloves  
1/3 C    Honey                  1/2 tsp Nutmeg  
1/2 C    Date Sugar             1/2 tsp Ginger
2 whole  Eggs                   1/2 tsp Cardammon
1. Cut off top of pumpkin, clean out seeds and stuff, bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.
2. Combine all other ingredients and scoop out a cup and a half of the pumpkin flesh. Be careful to keep the thickness of the shell even. Blend these ingredients and then pour into shell. Bake for an hour at 375 degrees.
3. This recipe tastes best when chilled. So, put it in the refrigerator after it has cooled for a while.

The wonderful way in which the columns of ingredients are displayed in this recipe was made possible through use of the PRE tag. It allows you to preformat an area of your web page.
You will create your own image to use as a horizontal rule for this assignment. Here is how you do it:
  1. In a terminal window type "gimp".
  2. Once The GIMP is fully loaded select File->New
  3. In the New Image window change the Width to 10 and the Height to 10 and press the OK button
  4. Next double click on the black square at the bottom, left side of The Gimp main tool pallete.
  5. The Color Selection Window will pop open. Set the sliders for red (R) and green (G) to 255 and the slider for blue (B) to 0 and close this window.
  6. Select the bucket tool from the tool pallete and click in the middle of your image to fill your image with yellow.
  7. Right click and hold on your image, pull down to File->Save. Select JPEG for the Determine File Type field and type in "yellow.jpg" in the bottom field and click the OK button.
Once you have done all this you should have a file called yellow.jpg in your home directory which you can use on your web page.

ASSIGNMENT: Create your own recipe. You may wish to look one up on the internet (you may copy the recipe). The recipe must have a minimum of ten ingredients. After you have completed the basic recipe (modeled after the example above), alter the recipe so that it has six times the ingredients (modeled after the recipe given below... you don't have to repeat the instructions for this one). Make your own image to use as a horizontal rule. Make it yellow.

Recipe Multiplied By Six
6 whole  Pie Pumpkin              6 tsp      Cinnamon    
4 1/2 C    Yogurt                 1 1/2 tsp  Cloves  
2     C    Honey                  3 tsp      Nutmeg  
3     C    Date Sugar             3 tsp      Ginger
12  whole  Eggs                   3 tsp      Cardammon