List Review

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  1. May
  2. June
  3. July
  4. August
  1. September
  2. October
  3. November
  4. December

Inspect the source code for this list of months. Notice how the table tags and list tags were used together to create this output. Expecially notice the use of the start attribute in the LI tag.

Assignment: You will make three lists similar to the one shown above. You must use the LIST and TABLE tags and you may not use the PRE tag (or any other preformatted tag). You will make the following lists:

  1. States - List the fifty states of the United States in a three column table.
  2. Foods - List forty of your favorite foods in a four column table.
  3. Amino Acids - List the 20 amino acids of the genetic code in a five column table.