Image Maps

Image maps enable you to use sections of gifs to link to other pages. The example on this page uses a gif with the word "OUT" on it. If you click on the "O" you go to one page, if you click on the "U" you go to another page, and the "T" takes you to yet another page. Here's the code for that:

< img src="pic/out.gif" width=200 height=100 usemap="#mainmap">
< map name="mainmap">
< area shape=rect coords="0,0,75,100" href=o.htm>
< area shape=rect coords="75,0,145,100" href=u.htm>
< area shape=rect coords="145,0,200,100" href=t.htm>
< /map>

The only part of this which might need some explanation is how the coordinates work. The upper-left corner of the gif is identified by the coordinates 0, 0. The gif in the example has a height of 100 units and a length of 200 units. So, the bottom-right corner is identified by the coordinates 200, 100. The rectangle containing the "O" has the coordinates 0, 0, 75, 100 because it's upper-left corner is at 0, 0 and its lower-right corner is at 75, 100. Similarly, the "U" has the coordinates of 75, 0, 145, 100 because its upper-left corner is at 75, 0 and its lower corner is at 145, 100. Your assignment is explained on the three linking pages.