Pattern Matching: Recognizing Numbers

Recognizing Numbers: #!/usr/bin/perl @array = ( "There are 812 reasons why I hate you.", "Give me 7 jellybeans.", "There are 112 elephants in that line." ); foreach $line (@array){ if($line =~ /\d+/ ){ print "$&\n"; print "$line\n"; } } exit;
PARENTHESES AROUND PORTION OF STRING: #!/usr/bin/perl $str = "There are 123 reasons why I hate all 17 of you!"; $str =~ s/(\d+)/($1)/g; print "$str\n"; exit;
SUBSTITUTING WITH EXPRESSIONS: #!/usr/bin/perl $str = "There are 123 reasons why I hate all 17 of you!"; $str =~ s/(\d+)/$1 * 2/eg; print "$str\n"; exit;
ELIMINATE EVERYTHING EXCEPT NUMBERS: #!/usr/bin/perl $n = ""; while(1){ print "INPUT: "; $n = <STDIN>; chomp($n); if ($n eq "q"){ last; }; $n =~ tr/0-9//cd ; print "$n\n"; } exit;