Bioinformatics Algorithms

Hidden Matches

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This example find all the near matches within Hamming distance d
of a pattern in a sequence. 

Experiment with different value for p, s, and d. Keep in mind that p should be significantly shorter than s and that d should be smaller than p.
#!/usr/bin/python p="GAGG" s="TTTAGAGCCTTCAGAGG" d=2 matches=[] m = "" for i in range(0,len(s)-len(p)+1): segment=s[i:i+len(p)] score=0 for n in range(0,len(p)): if p[n] != segment[n]: score = score + 1 if score<=d: matches.append(i) m = m + "^" else: m = m + "." print p print s print m print len(matches) print matches


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