The Lizard People

Story Questions

  1. How did Andy's father say the boys should treat the new teacher?
  2. Describe the setting for this story? (When and where does it take place.)
  3. What did the Lizard People believe about lizards?
  4. What did the new teacher do to the boys during recess on Monday?
  5. What did the Lizard People want to outlaw?
  6. How did Andy's father feel about making new laws?
  7. How many lizards did the boys collect in preparation for their revenge against the Lizard Lady?
  8. According to the Lizard People's theory, why are lizards on Earth not very smart?
  9. What did the boys do with all the lizards they caught?
  10. What hunch did the boys' fifth grade teacher have about the lizards in the fourth grade classroom?