Dry River Versus Liberty

Story Questions

  1. Where were Zeke and Zack traveling to when they got stuck at the rest stop?
  2. Why did the boys believe that some of the ambulances not turn on their sirens?
  3. Describe the rest area which the boys were stuck at.
  4. Who was the lady in the red car?
  5. Why was Zeke able to walk backwards while filming without tripping over anything?
  6. What was the one place that Patrick did not want to be filmed?
  7. What did the people at the tournament decide to do because the boys were stuck at the rest area?
  8. What did the boys at the rest stop do since they couldn't make it to the tournament?
  9. Who filmed the basketball game at the rest stop?
  10. Which team won the game of three-on-three? Who scored the winning basket?