Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Four: Order Words

  1. telephone
  2. pheasant
  3. photograph
  4. metaphor
  5. chlorophyll
  6. wildflowers
  7. lupine
  8. daisy
  9. sunflower
  10. survival
  1. seedling
  2. annual
  3. garlic
  4. dairy
  5. petal
  6. gamble
  7. build
  8. speed
  9. stalk
  10. faster
Order Words

Here are some words that can be used to keep track of when things happen in a story or other types of writing:

	after		first		next		until

	later		last		finally		then

	meanwhile	second		third		before

These words can be used to tell in what order events happen.

Here are some sample sentences with the order words underlined:

  Jill went to visit her grandmother last summer.

  Jack has an appointment with Dr. Jones next week.

  We can go to the movies after we eat.

  You can play in the backyard until lunchtime.

  You must do your homework and then you must practice the piano.

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