Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Three: Conjunctions

  1. organize
  2. size
  3. wise
  4. despise
  5. flies
  6. tries
  7. realize
  8. supplies
  9. fries
  10. order
  1. bread
  2. bleach
  3. excavate
  4. enclosure
  5. fossil
  6. prehistoric
  7. formation
  8. recent
  9. study
  10. idea

Conjunctions are words that connect phrases or words. Here are some commonly used conjunctions:

	and		or		but

	because		as soon as	if

Conjunctions are used to connect words or phrases. A phrase is a group of words. Here are a few examples of conjunctions and how they are used.

  We are going to go to town if we can get the car running.

  We will go to the store and the library.

  We need to go because we are out of supplies.

  We could stop by the library or go to the movies instead.

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