Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Two: Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs

  1. organize
  2. size
  3. wise
  4. despise
  5. flies
  6. tries
  7. realize
  8. supplies
  9. fries
  10. order
  1. bread
  2. bleach
  3. excavate
  4. enclosure
  5. fossil
  6. prehistoric
  7. formation
  8. recent
  9. study
  10. idea
Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs

Listed below are some typical adjectives, nouns, and verbs.

	 green		 tree		 grows
	 tall		 tower		 falls
	 clean		 floor		 fades
	 sweet		 flower		 blooms

Here are some typical adjectives, nouns, and verbs used in simple sentences. (The adjectives are in red, the nouns in green, and the verbs in blue.)

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