Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Twelve, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. torch
  2. porch
  3. wort
  4. worm
  5. enormous
  6. storm
  7. wind
  8. yucca
  9. slate
  10. crossing
  1. escape
  2. raft
  3. boat
  4. silent
  5. salt
  6. monument
  7. hidden
  8. float
  9. visitors
  10. capsule
The or Letter Pattern

This list includes several words which contain the -or letter pattern.

	torch		porch		wort

	worm		enormous	storm


Some other words containing the -or letter pattern are:

	cord		word		sword

Say each of these words to yourself. You will notice that most of them make a sound like or (as in torch or storm), but some make the er sound (as in worm and word).

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