Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eleven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. speech
  2. sweet
  3. teeth
  4. feet
  5. greet
  6. sheet
  7. pollinate
  8. sand
  9. bell
  10. shore
  1. dispersal
  2. gather
  3. wildrose
  4. charcoal
  5. kilns
  6. smelter
  7. crush
  8. ovary
  9. coating
  10. sap
The ee Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ee letter pattern. The ee pattern usually makes the long e sound. Here are some words from the list with the -ee letter pattern.

	speech		sweet		teeth

	feet		greet		sheet

All of these words make the long e sound.

Some other words containing the ee letter pattern are:

	meet		beet		deer

	geese		peel		queen

The word "deer" is the only one of these words with the -ee letter pattern which does not have the long e sound.

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