Language Arts Grade Four
Unit Ten, Lesson Three: Prepositions
- each
- peach
- teacher
- sweat
- leather
- weather
- neat
- great
- vapor
- ice
- solid
- gas
- steam
- snow
- sleet
- glicier
- stream
- melt
- crust
- fourth
Prepositons are sometimes called location words. Here are a few examples:
about after at
beneath by during
in on over
under upon with
Here are a few prepositions used in sentences.
They played in the snow.
The glacier was on the mountain.
The ice was beneath the rock.
As you can see in these examples, the preposition helps to explain the
relationship between words in the sentence. Here are a few more examples
which don't deal with location.
The vapor looked like a small cloud.
The peach rolled until it hit the wall.
Everyone was happy except for Harry.
These sentences use prepositions which do not deal with location, but they
still help to explain the relationship between the other words in the
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