Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Ten, Lesson Two: Nouns and Verbs

  1. each
  2. peach
  3. teacher
  4. sweat
  5. leather
  6. weather
  7. neat
  8. great
  9. vapor
  10. ice
  1. solid
  2. gas
  3. steam
  4. snow
  5. sleet
  6. glicier
  7. stream
  8. melt
  9. crust
  10. fourth
Nouns and Verbs

Nouns are words which name a person, place, or thing. Here are a few examples presented in sentences. (The underlined words are the nouns.)

  The teacher ate a peach.

  Jill played in the snow.

  Jack waited for the ice to melt.

Verbs are words which name an action. Here are the same sentences with verbs underlined.

  The teacher ate a peach.

  Jill played in the snow.

  Jack waited for the ice to melt.

Here's a sample problem you might see on a test:

  In the following sentence is the word leather a noun or a verb?

    The boots were made of leather.

The answer is noun since leather describes a thing (a material used to make boots).

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