Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Ten, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. each
  2. peach
  3. teacher
  4. sweat
  5. leather
  6. weather
  7. neat
  8. great
  9. vapor
  10. ice
  1. solid
  2. gas
  3. steam
  4. snow
  5. sleet
  6. glicier
  7. stream
  8. melt
  9. crust
  10. fourth
The ea Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ea letter pattern. The ea pattern usually makes the long e sound. Here are some words from the list with the -ea letter pattern.

	each		peach		teacher

	sweat		leather		weather

	neat		great		stream


Some of these words make the long e sound and some don't. Here they are divided into groups.

	 each			 great
	 peach			 leather
	 sweat			 weather
	 teacher		 sweat

Some other words containing the ea letter pattern are:

	preach		leach		treat

	cheap		sneak		leak

	feather		sneakers	dream

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