Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Nine, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. wire
  2. expire
  3. umpire
  4. inspire
  5. entire
  6. retire
  7. reservation
  8. preserve
  9. protect
  10. county
  1. lookout
  2. forest
  3. timber
  4. lumberjack
  5. fir
  6. cedar
  7. pine
  8. hemlock
  9. redwood
  10. bristlecone
The ire Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ire letter pattern. The ire pattern makes a sound which rhymes with fire. Here are some words from the list with the -ire letter pattern.

	wire		expire		umpire

	inspire		entire		retire

The -ire letter pattern is very common. Here are a few more words with this letter pattern.

	fire		rewire		conspire

Some other words rhyme with fire, but do not have the -ire letter pattern.

	frier		buyer		lyer

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