Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eight, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. lotion
  2. locomotion
  3. caution
  4. rotation
  5. traction
  6. fraction
  7. action
  8. distraction
  9. station
  10. Russian
  1. lettuce
  2. fern
  3. lichen
  4. mule
  5. burro
  6. donkey
  7. burden
  8. paintings
  9. railroad
  10. train
Unit Review

Several words from this list contain the -tion letter pattern:

	lotion		locomotion		caution

	rotation	traction		fraction

	action		distraction		station

This letter pattern is pronounced "shen" (or sometimes "shun").

Sequence Words

Sequence words are used to help the reader keep track of the order of events in a paragraph. Here are some sequence words.

	before		after		next

	finally		first		second

	third		then		last of all

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