Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eight, Lesson Four: Antonyms

  1. lotion
  2. locomotion
  3. caution
  4. rotation
  5. traction
  6. fraction
  7. action
  8. distraction
  9. station
  10. Russian
  1. lettuce
  2. fern
  3. lichen
  4. mule
  5. mule
  6. donkey
  7. burden
  8. paintings
  9. railroad
  10. train

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Take a look at this list of antonym pairs.

  present - past
  right - wrong
  right - left
  correct - wrong
  high - low
  mean - nice
  hot - cold
  happy - sad 

One word, as you can see from this list, can have more than one antonym. Here are some antonyms for mean:

   friendly, nice, courteous, polite, kind

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