Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Seven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. ship
  2. slip
  3. trip
  4. clip
  5. ripen
  6. pipe
  7. dome
  8. remains
  9. aspen
  10. trail
  1. autumn
  2. dinosaur
  3. ruins
  4. ghost
  5. town
  6. prospect
  7. cliff
  8. granite
  9. stream
  10. fossil
Letter Patterns

This list contains two words with double letters:

	fossil		cliff

There are several words with two vowels in a row:

	remain		trail		autumn

	dinosaur	ruins		stream

The three words with the most interesting letter patterns are:

	dinosaur	autumn		ghost

The mn in autumn is somewhat unusual. The gh in ghost is not all that common. The au in dinosaur is one of the less often used vowel combinations.

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