Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Six, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. brush
  2. fresh
  3. trash
  4. shave
  5. sharp
  6. mashed
  7. potato
  8. farm
  9. pass
  10. summit
  1. crest
  2. altitude
  3. beaver
  4. marmot
  5. buffalo
  6. antelope
  7. grizzly
  8. deer
  9. trapper
  10. protozoa
The sh Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the sh letter pattern. The sh pattern combines the s and h shounds into a single sound. Here are some words from the list with the sh letter pattern.

	brush		fresh		trash

	shave		sharp		mashed

Here are some other words which begin with the sh letter patten:

	shiver		shallow		shoulder

	shelter		short		shudder

Many words also end with the sh letter pattern:

	leash		rush		swish

	swordfish	crash		radish

There are also words with the sh letter pattern in the middle:

	fashion		bushy		rushing

	cushion		washing		pushing

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