Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Three, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. thick
  2. quick
  3. click
  4. chicken
  5. lack
  6. smack
  7. attack
  8. spring
  9. jumping
  10. yucca
  1. cactus
  2. prickly
  3. pear
  4. barrel
  5. soil
  6. roots
  7. plants
  8. rainfall
  9. evaporate
  10. thorn
The ck Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ck letter pattern. The ck pattern combines the c with the sound of the k. Here are some words with the ck pattern.

      thick		quick		click

      chicken		lack		smack

      attack		prickly

In this list the ck pattern comes after either an "i" or an "a".

       ICK			ACK
    ----------               -----------
      thick			lack
      chicken			attack
      quick			smack

Here are some other words with the ICK and ACK letter patterns:

       ICK			ACK
    ----------               -----------
      flick			quack
      stick			stack
      trick			rack
      pick			pack

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