Language Arts - Word Analysis
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Language Arts - Word Analysis - Blended Words

Blended Words

Consider the following list of words:

	slop + slush = slosh

	smack + mash = smash

	squirm + wiggle = squiggle

	chunk + lump = clump

	chuckle + snort = chortle

	binary + digit = bit

In this lesson we refer to a word which is formed from a blending of two words blended words. Another name for these words is portmanteau words.

Here are some more examples:

	flame + glare = flare

	twist + whirl = twirl

	television + marathon = telethon

	splash + spatter = splatter

	fare + thee + well = farewell

	motor + pedal = moped

It would probably never occur to you (unless someone told you) that the word "farewell" is a blending of "fare thee well".

Blended words combine the meanings of two words into one new word. Some blended words are so commonly used that we don't even realize that they are actually made up of two words which have been blended. Here are some examples of blended words:

	breakfast + lunch = brunch

	fourteen + nights = fortnight

	gleam + shimmer = glimmer

	motor + hotel = motel

	of + the + clock = o'clock

	smoke + fog = smog

	lion + tiger = liger

	gigantic + enormous = ginormous

	spoon + fork = spork

The blended word "o'clock" is a word which gets used a lot, but probably most people don't realize that it is a blend of "of the clock".

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