Keyboarding Skills
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Keyboarding Skills - ADVANCED LEVEL

  1. Rock One - Shoot words out of the sky!
  2. Buggy One - Build a bridge for the dune buggy!
  3. Perfect One - Practice typing skills.
  4. Disappear One - Make letters disappear as you type!
  5. Tapping One - More keyboarding practice!
  6. Rock Two - More falling words to shoot!
  7. Buggy Two - Get the dune buggy across the bridge!
  8. Perfect Two - Lots of keyboarding skills practice!
  9. Disappear Two - Letters disappear as you type them!
  10. Tapping Two - Build finger endurance!
  1. Rock Three - Shoot the words before they hit the ground!
  2. Buggy Three - Build a bridge by typing!
  3. Perfect Three - Practice makes perfect!
  4. Disappear Three - Increase keyboarding accuracy!
  5. Tapping Three - Extended keyboarding exercise.
  6. Buggy Four - Get the buggy across the bridge one more time!
  7. Perfect Four - Work on keyboarding accuracy!
  8. Disappear Four - Watch the letters disappear as you type them!
  9. Tapping Four - Whip those fingers into shape!
  10. Speed Test - Check your speed and accuracy!
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