Arithmetic - Decimal Operations
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Arithmetic - Decimal Operations - Decimal Values on Number Line

Decimal values can be represented on a number line like the one shown here.

The red line on this line is right above .9 and so the red line represents the value of .9 on this number line.

Here's another example.

In this example the red line is above the .2 and so the red line represents the value of .2 on this number line.

We can also represent decimal values which include digits in the hundredths column.

Since the values on this number line are too close together, only every tenth value is included. The red line on the number line represents .24 or twenty-four hundredths.

Here's another example:

The red line on this number line represents the value .63 or sixty-three hundredths.

Now you get to try a few for yourself.

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